In relation to patience on trading, waiting for A+ signals:
Grandfather, father and son living on a farm in the back Wales, one Saturday night the son's missing, he's never been out before, father's a bit worried, he comes back at 10 o clock and his Dad asks him, Where have you been Son? the sons says - "I've been with Elsie at the top farm, O Boy such passion"
Next Saturday night, the father's missing, 1 o clock in the morning when he comes back and the Grandfather asks him, 'What time do you call this? Where have you been Son?' and the son says - "I've been with Elsie at the top farm, O Boy such passion"
Next Saturday night the grandfather's missing, no sign of him at all, the son and the dad get up in the morning and milk the bull, no sign of him, he comes back after lunch and the Father asks him - "Where have you been Dad?" and the grandfather says - "I've been with Elsie at the top farm, O boy such PATIENCE!"
He had the patience and I think he missed the trade!
Source: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

:lol: :cry: