Search results

  1. erebus

    MT4 Missing Data

    Just FYI as someone who use to do what you describe here, I know the pain you are experiencing trying to download historical data. There is a better way to get the data from the server from your broker and that is: Step 1: Open an M1 chart (M for Minute, not Month) Step 2: Go to History...
  2. erebus

    Daily High Low Close

    Sharing the simple indicator here
  3. erebus

    BUY the DIP & SELL the RIP

    BUY the DIP & SELL the RIP Have you heard that before? How about? Trade against the crowd, do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. As a diehard trend follower and trend trader, I have always had trouble understanding the contrarian concept, let alone being able to sell tops and buy...
  4. erebus

    Trade Report, Metatrader 4 only

    This is the one I am using, for MT4. To get updates or other versions, you will have to find Steve Hopwood Forum and join to download. Good Luck
  5. erebus

    What’s the latest on installing?

    Dale, and members, I’ll be getting a new laptop later this week. I think the advice years ago was to install MT direct to C drive, instead of the Default suggested by MT I think this had something to do with Windows restrictions or something, could be way off track here. I will be installing...
  6. erebus

    SIZER for Metatrader 4

    Calculates position size to meet your predetermined risk amount and stop loss distance Note: does not place trades, only help you use the correct lot size as described above. Try this link if interested, let me know if it doesn't work...
  7. erebus

    Buttons, for Chart & Time

    Here is a handy indicator that displays the pairs of your choice and makes it very easy to click through the list and visually check for BattleStation signals on Daily or 4 Hour or whatever really. Be sure to check the settings before asking too many questions, you can change them to see what...
  8. erebus

    Double Bollinger Bands Strategy

    Hello all, I found this strategy on another forum and it seems to me that it works great for swing trading on 4 hour chart. You can Google for that name or I will mention the other forum if Dale approves. This is how to setup the charts. Add 2 sets of Bollinger Bands: Use the default...
  9. erebus

    Scripts for Opening Trades

    Steve Hopwood has created a buy and sell market order scripts that allow you to easily customize a few additional things to your manual market order, in addition to the convenience of easily dragging the script across to your chart window to execute the market order: Set lot size Set stop loss...
  10. erebus

    How to review the charts quickly & easily

    This works really great if you are checking the 4 Hour charts during the day 1. Use the Tile Windows icon or Alt + R to arrange all the charts 2. Open the first chart 3. Use Ctrl + Tab to view charts in order (Hold Ctrl down) 4. Use Ctrl + Shift + Tab to reverse (Hold Ctrl + Shift down)
  11. erebus

    Tom DeMark Trend Line on Daily

    Anybody ever use or study how Tom DeMark Trend Line on any charts? He has a whole range of indicators which pin point many price patterns, many of which he has even copyrighted; I'm only interested in the way the trend lines are drawn. Apparently he uses only 2 points, determined by what...
  12. erebus

    GO Markets Discussion

    Dale, I don't see any mention of your affiliation with Go Markets within the forum; got a few questions. On the information page, there are links to both UK and Australian sign up but down in the information section, mainly the wording refers to UK, is that just an oversight? Also, I...
  13. erebus

    Pin Bar Detector for MT4

    Here is an excellent indicator to spot the Pin Bars on MT4 Best used on at least 4 H charts, preferably Daily, utmost patience is required but the payoff can be enormous especially if you are able to add on trades. This has settings that allow it to be seen as Walter Peters rules for a...
  14. erebus

    CSM = Currency Strength Meter

    This thread to share and discuss CSM indicator The 4 on this chart are: 1. Currency Meter 2. Currency Strength - Giraia 3. HeatMapModoki 4. Currency Power Meter The first 3 are free while number 4 is paid for, find it here or in the Market tab...
  15. erebus

    Refresh, do you know about it?

    Hello all, With the MT4 version, I hope we all know by now how to copy & paste new Indicators, Expert Advisor & Script in the correct folder using the File, Open Data Folder menu ?? After that, the usual advice is to restart MT4, but you don't have to do that Just right on the folder(s) and...
  16. erebus

    ADR = Average Daily Range

    There are many available, I like this one best because the HIGH and LOW are dynamic, that is, they adjust as the day's price action unfolds You have to watch it in work to understand better PS: I'll have to load it later - file extension not allowed, sorry
  17. erebus

    4 Hour Retracements

    Just posting this as I notice some discussion on the forum about starting a 4H thread. Not that I will post here very often, just putting some ideas out there. A quick look at even the most traded EUR-USD for last week and even a novice could have made pips without too much risk. All you need...
  18. erebus


    You can go to this website and look at the recent market volatility for all the currency pairs. as per this example
  19. erebus

    Trading Daily High/Low breakouts inline with Weekly & Monthly Candles

    Dale / others, Has anyone heard of this concept? Look at previous Month candle e.g. Up or Down Look at previous Week candle e.g. Up or Down IF Month candle was DOWN and Week candle was DOWN Don't trade Mondays, but if that candle is UP, then trade the breakout to the DOWN side If no entry...
  20. erebus

    'erebus' quick is best way to get rich, trades

    As per the AUDNZD thread, saw 4H rejection, breakout of low entry :)