Good Day/Night to you all from UK..


Forum Newbie
I'm Radeos,
Hoping to join the family and go through this university of great minds & education... looking at the war room its quite overwhelming with information! Looks like i need to go through a lot to get started. Just want to say i've been following the Forex Guy for a while and the articles and videos have been hugely impressive...

I have traded (my own ways) blew lots of money, have impressive demo accounts but what i lack is discipline so now im ready to create some level of financial freedom & start developing my psychology.

Just want to say been hovering whether to join or not for a while...BUT what triggered me to jump in was one paragraph in the recent article i read where Dale stated...that most people look at candlesticks thinking institutions, big trader movements etc however what we need to realise is that candlesticks are thoughts-decisions people and their psychology...this really made me think and now i want to learn and grow..!

Finally if anyone could give me some guidance as to where i need to start in the war room what i need to do to get set up - in simple summary would help. Then step by step ill sponge the rest of the data..

Thank you!