Being prepared for disaster...


Regular Member
I thought I was prepared for nearly everything that could happen;
I primarily trade using my laptop but I have a spare pc, solely for trading, ready to be fired up in case my laptop decides to quit.
Of course I also have a backup internet connection. Just in case.
And if my spare internet connection decides to quit; I have a third internet connection using my mobile.
I am prepared.

Last week however suddenly the skies went black and out of the blue lightning struck; a power blackout for a whole day was testing my backup plans.
As the lightning attacked my redundancy plans right in the heart; cutting off my power supply,
my internet routers immediately stopped working, the battery of my phone was nearly empty and my laptop was only good for a couple of hours of trading fun.
I was out of business just after I closed down my positions as the weekend was approaching anyway.

Being prepared only brings you so far...

Now I might just buy me a tesla powerwall
Or maybe a bicycle with a generator attached to it :)

Or maybe just a day without trading, radio, television, coffee and spend the evening in candle lights...