I looked at various online and spreadsheet journals and either found them too complex, didn't contain the info i wanted, and/or contained info i didn't want. So i created a pretty compact ss on Google sheets - you can see it below.
As such it has all the advantages (and disadvantages) of being online.
There are no description fields - eg to say why i entered the trade - and this is because i add these in as comments to the Trade and Win? fields. Basically in the Trade field i add comments such as why i entered the trade, and in the Win? field i comment on the result and what i can learn from it.
This makes the ss very compact: It fits in one window, so you don't have to go back and forth entering information.
I use abbreviations in the Trade field: BL and SL for buy and sell limits, BS and SS for buy stop and sell stop, and of course you can also use Buy and Sellf
Since i use split mm, i can have one or two dates in the Exit Dates field. The Win field contains the following details: Win, Loss, Cancelled, BE (break even). I leave the field blank until both parts of the trade have resolved.
Profit? contains the profit or loss i made on the trade, while Cumulative is a cumulative total of the profit/loss.
I don't include entry and exit prices, as i don't feel these would help in looking back. I'm more interested in why and how i entered, and if the trade panned out or not.