Recent content by dafttrader

  1. D

    The worst thing you or a friend has done in the markets.

    Luckily I have never had a massive loss on my account but I have managed to a fair amount of stupid things for small losses that rack up. 1. I like to occasional revenge trade when my conviction over a pair is too strong to see sense, DNB will probably confirm my GBP conviction at the moment...
  2. D

    Fx Options puts/calls data correlation

    Sorry but I'm not too sure where you can go with this. An options premium has two components (a) the intrinsic value which will be present if the strike price is below the market price for a call option or above the spot price for a put option. And (b) the time value which will decrease the...
  3. D

    Where are you from ?

    Hi All, I'm Simon and I live up in the far reaches of Scotland. I've been involved in Financial Services for 12 years now and have been trading equities for the past 7 years. I've been mucking around with forex for a about 18 months and trying to incorporate it into my investment strategy going...